Since 2001, The 5000 Days Project has been helping to develop emotional intelligence in individuals from around the world. As individuals are given the space and guidance to make sense of what is in their hearts, they gain the self-knowledge and confidence to unleash the power of their own story into their life and to the world around them.
We have deployed StoryQ method to schools and organizations in 12 countries, touching a diverse collection of personal stories.
What WE Do Is Working
A 2018 evaluation undertaken by StoryQ on The 5000 Days Project participants show that the process is already helping kids.
We’Re Scalable
Because we offer virtual personal story mentoring sessions, we can work with students from anywhere. So far, we’ve captured over 300,000 personal video recordings worldwide plus over 6000 hours of recorded personal story mentoring sessions.
Our Personal Story Mentoring program can be operated off campus requiring virtually no school staff resources.
For families who can’t afford the service, we offer scholarships and affordable DIY web app options to make the StoryQ method of inquiry available to all.