Terms & Conditions
StoryQ, and DBAs The 5000 Days Project and The School of Life Project (the "Company"), may invite individuals and organizations (the “Participants”) to participate in various aspects of its Video Diary Project (the “Video Diary Project,” or VDP). As part of the VDP, Participants will be provided an opportunity on a periodic basis (the “Recording Period”) to film their thoughts in response to a series of questions prepared by the Company (the “Footage”). The Footage will be filmed on a Company StoryCatcher and held for the Participants in confidence by the Company. Unless otherwise permitted in specific agreements between the Company and Participants, or required by law, the Company will not provide the Footage to any person except the contracted Participant. The Company will collect, use, store and disclose the personal information of Participants (the “Personal Information”) in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1988. Participants contractually consent to the collection, use, storage and disclosure of Personal Information in accordance with specific contracted agreements. The Parties agree that, unless otherwise permitted under specific contracted agreements or required by law, only a designated representative of the Company and a designated representative of contracted Participants are authorized to view the Footage. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company reserves the right to review the Footage for the purpose of collecting, compiling and disseminating de-identified information collected in the VDP. No personally identifiable information of Participants (as defined in the United States OMB Memorandum M-07-16) will be used or disseminated by the Company.